Original Cross Stitch Patterns online...

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Free Patterns...

It would be nice if we could offer all of our patterns for free...

But... without your purchases we would not be able to keep operating. We really appreciate your support of all our wonderful designers who work many hours creating these designs. If you like a particular designer's patterns, please consider supporting them by making a purchase. Thanks!

By the way, you can ask us anything, and we'll respond promptly. If you have any difficulty with your order, or accessing patterns, or even have a cross-stitching question, just send us a message to our help email, or use our contact form, and we will reply promptly.

Lets Cross Stitch
- by Ursula Michael

Alphabet/ Border/ Sampler Pattern Maker
Create your own charts instantly of text and borders.


How our site works
Answers to common questions.

Stitch Calculator
Size and aida count calculator.

Message Board
View and post messages with other stitchers.